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Shopping malls in Delhi

MALL’S THE WORD Walking the branded trail by Debashree Chatterjee When you are in Delhi during the sweltering summers, and want to keep “stepping out” 100% optional (WAIT! what about shopping? that’s 100% compulsory) then the many malls in this vibrant city are sure to play the saviour. Take a break from street-shopping and the [...]

Closure for Stok Kangri

Stok Kangri (6,123m) is the most popular mountain in Ladakh. Every year, hundreds of people from all over the world have tried to climb the 6,000er. But that over for now, because from now on further expeditions to the mountain are forbidden until further notice.   Why all expeditions to Stok Kangri are closed Stok [...]

Von Bishkek über Paris bis nach Tibet

Kirgistan ist unbestritten ein Land mit vielen Gesichtern, mit unterschiedlichsten Klimazonen von schweißtreibend heiß bis bibbernd kalt, weiten grünen Ebenen mit weißen Schafpunkten und Bergen so hoch, dass man die Stratosphäre fast berühren kann, doch Paris und Tibet hätte ich hier trotz allem nicht erwartet. Ich wurde eines Besseren belehrt. Aber so soll es ja auf Reisen auch sein.

What to expect when visiting a family home in Bhutan

When visiting a family home in Bhutan By Ulrike Čokl Ulli has lived in Bhutan on and off for many years. She has conducted ethnographic research on traditional hospitality practices, travelling & gift-exchange in rural communities. Thus she is very familiar with village livelihoods all over the little kingdom. She loves developing unique itineraries that [...]

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