To know a few phrases when going to a foreign country is always useful. There are more than just one language that are spoken in Sri Lanka but most of the Srilankan know Sinhala (only in the north where mostly Tamils live it might get tougher with only Sinhala). We think you should know these 21 phrases in Sinhala, the language of the Singhalese people of Sri Lanka.  


Helpful phrases in Sinhala


Meet & Greet

[one_half]How are you?

My name is [Daniela].

What is your name?

Where are you from?[/one_half] [one_half_last]Ko-ho-ma-dha?

Ma-gé na-ma [Daniela].

O-yaa-gé na-ma mo-kak-dha?

O-yaa ko-hén-dha?[/one_half_last]


Foods and Drinks

[one_half]I am hungry.

I want/need water. [/one_half] [one_half_last]Ma-ta ba-da gi-ni.

Ma-ta va-thu-ra o-né.[/one_half_last]


Important words




That[/one_half] [one_half_last]owu





Health & Emergency

[one_half]I’m not feeling fine.

I need a doctor.

Help me!

Where is the toilet?[/one_half] [one_half_last]Ma-ta sa-ni-pa nae.

Ma-ta dhos-tha-ra ké-nék-va o-né.

Ma-ta u-dhauw ka-ran-na!

Vae-si-ki-li-ya thi-yén-né ko-hé-dha?[/one_half_last]


Language related

[one_half]Do you speak english?

I don’t understand.[/one_half] [one_half_last]O-yaa in-gri-si ka-thaa ka-ra-na-vadha?

Ma-ta thé-rén-né nae.[/one_half_last]



[one_half]How much?

(It’s) too expensive.[/one_half] [one_half_last]Ki-ya-dha?

Ga-nang vae-di.[/one_half_last]



[one_half]Let’s go!

I want to go here!

Are there any rooms available?[/one_half] [one_half_last]Ya-mu?

Ma-ta mé-hé-ta yan-na o-né.

Kaa-ma-ra thi-yé-na-va-dha?[/one_half_last]


Polite Expressions


Sorry / Excuse me

Thank you (very much)

No, thank you [/one_half] [one_half_last]kar-ru-naa ka-ra-la

sa-maa vén-na


é-paa, bo-ho-ma-is-thu-thi[/one_half_last]


Special Expressions

[one_half]Happy Birthday!

I love you![/one_half] [one_half_last]Su-ba u-pan dhi-na-yak vé-va!

Ma-ma o-yaa-ta aa-dha-réyi.[/one_half_last]


If you want to learn how to pronounce these Phrases check out Dilshan’s great Youtube-Video:



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