Why and for whom I would recommend a trip to Kyrgyzstan

Meine letzte Kirgistan-Reise liegt leider schon wieder ein paar Wochen zurück, aber geblieben ist meine Liebe für dieses wunderbare Reich in Zentralasien. Im heutigen Blog erzähle ich dir, wer lieber nicht nach Kirgistan kommen sollte und welche Gründe die ausschlaggebenden sind, warum ich so davon fasziniert bin.

Why and for whom I would recommend a trip to Kyrgyzstan2019-11-12T11:09:18+01:00

Ladakh for children

More and more often, parents are daring to travel to Ladakh with their children. And why not? The country has also plenty to offer to small guests. Children actually usually adapt better to the height than their parents - probably because the kids are not thinking about it. Here are some things that you should [...]

Ladakh for children2019-04-11T09:49:54+02:00

5 things you can (and should) learn from Ladakh

The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world. Alexander von Humboldt A travelling fool is better than a sitting wise man. Nomadic wisdom   Walking is better than sitting by the fire. Paracelsus   The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a [...]

5 things you can (and should) learn from Ladakh2019-04-11T09:52:27+02:00
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